Alcoholism Treatment Program
At New Beginnings, we support the dignity of the individual patient. We assist the individual and explore the symptoms and consequences of individual chemical use so that the patient can discover the skills and tools necessary to live a sober and rewarding life.
New Beginnings at Waverly offers an intensive, 24-hour Residential Treatment Program. We recognize the multiple dimensions of the illness and believe that successful treatment demands the efforts of an interdisciplinary team. This team includes the patient and family, certified counselors, physicians, nurses, psychologists, family therapists, spiritual counselors, activities therapists and dietary consultants.
We work together to help the individual identify and understand the devastating effects that chemicals have played in their lives. Length of stay varies according to each individual.
Recovery is a gradual process, and while abstinence is the principle measure of success, improvements in all areas of life are considered vital for ongoing recovery from this disease. We work with you to enhance all areas of your life.
This is accomplished by using the Minnesota Model, an abstinence-based, 12-step, AA philosophy. The interdisciplinary approach features strong components of education, and individual, group, and family therapy to meet the particular needs of each patient.
Cocaine and Methamphetamine Treatment Program
We understand not only the physical needs but the emotional and psychological needs of the patient and the family for a successful, ongoing recovery. Our treatment is an intensive 24-hour residential program with a suggested six-week stay.
We have the knowledge and experience to handle the difficulties of cocaine and methamphetamine withdrawal. We recognize the rapid progression of the disease and the secondary cravings from cocaine and methamphetamine use, which usually occur approximately 29 days after cessation of use.
We provide a series of specific lectures and workshops about cocaine and methamphetamine. And it is through intensive therapy sessions that the patient acquires the skills to identify symptoms and self-defeating behaviors that inevitably lead to relapse.
This information, along with the patient’s commitment to abstaining from drug use, open the doors for freedom from this addiction and the promise of a new life.
Aftercare Program
The support of your patient does not end with the primary treatment phase.
Our experience has proven that aftercare is vital in the recovery process. It supports the gains made in treatment and refines the tools of recovery.
Our Aftercare Program is distinctive for three reasons. First, families and patients attend weekly meetings together. Secondly, our continuing care is available for up to a full year. Thirdly, our aftercare groups are led by counselors. New Beginnings aftercare is provided at Waverly and other convenient locations.