What Other Treatment Professionals Say About our Program
“The New Beginnings at Waverly staff are undoubtedly the most client-centered group of professionals I have ever had the pleasure to deal with. Making referrals to them for treatment, I can always count on each client receiving individualized assessment and treatment with a solid aftercare plan in place upon discharge. The staff has always provided me with excellent communication regarding client care.”
Denver, Colorado

The quality and concern for the folks that pass through New Beginnings has
always been their first priority. The caring and efficient staff has always
been an effortless joy to interact with as a union counselor for Northwest
Airlines. My coworker and I have agreed that New Beginnings is the best
choice for treatment options in the state of Minnesota.
Gerry Costello
Community Service Chairman
Airline Local 1833

“Every now and then I walk into a treatment program that just feels right. Great staff, great clinical programs…No wonder recovery starts at New Beginnings.”
Author, Consultant and International Authority on Alcholism and Cocaine Addiction

Here at the Leech Lake Outpatient Program we have utilized this facility a number of times and have found it to be very beneficial to all our clients. New Beginnings has a program for our youth, family programing, grief and loss issues and they are culturally sensitive to the Native American who choose to use their traditional/spiritual way in prayer. We see this as a plus as we do frequently utilize New Beginnings as a source for our Native American clients. They also have many more services that are all beneficial to the healing and recovery of Chemically Dependent individuals. We hope for their continued success and will continue to utilize their program in the near future.
The Leech Lake Outpatient Staff
Cass Lake, MN

“My experience with the New Beginnings Program at Waverly has been excellent. For over 15 years Teamster members and their families have effectivly changed their lives with the help of New Beginnings.”
Jean Dunn, Teamsters Service Board
Minneapolis, Minn.

Sound Bites from Our Alumni
I felt like I had come home.
The staff is the closest thing to family that I have.
I didn’t want to be here but I owe my life to this place.
God bless these wonderful people.
They taught me that I have a fatal disease.